Learn to Master the Selections in Photoshop!

Learn to Select Anything with Photoshop’s Guru Ben Willmore

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Make impossible selections, possible 👈 Selection is one of the most important skills that you can master in Photoshop. With this training path, you will be provided with all the complete processes that will guide you in an easy and step-by-step way to master the art of selections in Photoshop!

The biggest challenge in creating selections.

Many users of Photoshop face challenges with selection tools, leading to frustration, especially when it comes to cutting out an image, which can result in missing hair pieces, unclean edges, and a sense of spending too much time trying to achieve the desired result. Selecting the appropriate technique for each of the numerous selection tools available in Photoshop is key to overcoming these challenges.

It’s Time To Develop the Right Method

Are you tired of endless tutorials and video walks-through that just don't seem to work for your projects? Do you find yourself struggling with precise selections, even for the simplest of images? It's time to say goodbye to frustration and hello to expert selections in Photoshop.

YouTube tutorials may show you how to make selections, but they don't always provide a complete understanding of the principles behind the process. To truly master selections in Photoshop, it's essential to understand the techniques and techniques behind the tools. This will give you the confidence to create precise selections for any composition and make necessary adjustments along the way.

With a deep understanding of the underlying principles and techniques, anyone can become an expert at selections in Photoshop.

And that's why Ben Willmore created

This course teaches you everything you need to know, from the basics to advanced techniques, to ensure success every time."

That's why Selection Secrets is considered the best course on selections.

Learn from one of the world's leading Photoshop experts Ben Willmore.

Ben Willmore has packed all of his knowledge into this course and will share all of his tricks on selections with you.

If you combine the techniques demonstrated in this almost 6 hour master class on selections, you will never have to fear a selection task again.

This course will not only teach you advanced selection techniques, but also show you how to masterfully blend various selection tools for achieving unparalleled precision and professional results.

Unlock more possibilities for realistic edits, beauty retouching, compositing, and so much more - show off your artwork like never before!

With Selection Secrets you'll never be on your own - our expert support is always available to help with any issues.

Meet Your Instructor, Ben Willmore

Ben Willmore is an international renown Photoshop Guru, Author and Educator and the founder of Digital Mastery, training and consulting firm based in Colorado.

His best-selling, award-winning book, Photoshop Studio Techniques is printed in eight languages. Ben has personally taught over 100,000 Photoshop users on six continents.

He is a featured speaker at publishing conferences and events worldwide. In 2004, Willmore was a recipient of a Photoshop Hall of Fame Award. He is a member of the Dream Team for NAPP and writes for numerous digital imaging and photography publications, including a monthly column for Photoshop User magazine.

Ben from backstage - during his acceptance speech at the Photoshop World Conference & Expo

Ben is the founder of Digital Mastery, training and consulting firm based in Colorado.

Trainer Credentials


In 2004, Willmore was a recipient of a Photoshop Hall of Fame Award.


Ben has a monthly column in Photoshop User and Step by Step Electronic Design magazine


Author of the best-selling book Photoshop Studio Techniques, printed in eight languages.

He is a featured speaker at publishing conferences and events worldwide such as Adobe Max, Photoshop World, American Society of Media Photographers, Professional Photographers of America etc.


What Professionist Say About Ben

"Ben Willmore's keen understanding of the Photoshop user has made him an invaluable resource to the Photoshop product team"

Photoshop's Product Manager

Karen Gauthier

“Photoshop Studio Teqniques is one of the best Photoshop books ever written”

Photoshop User’s Publisher

Jim Workman

“When we get stuck, we call Ben!”

Founder of KelbyOne

Scott Kelby

Some Before and After Examples

How Is the Course Divided?

The course is divided into 3 modules containing 24 lessons.

Module 1 - Selections Essential

In this module, you'll lay the foundation for mastering selections in Photoshop. We'll explore all the tools & functions, learn to use them effectively, and gain basic principles & techniques to become a selection expert.

Get hands-on in this practical module as we delve into the effective use of the various tools in Photoshop. Perfect your use of the Color Range function, the Pen tool, selecting skies and more to take your selections to the next level.

Module 2 - Intermediate Techniques

Master the art of cutting and masking with this advanced techniques module. With the power to turn your visions into reality, you'll learn how to use depth maps, effortlessly select translucent and transparent objects, and so much more

Module 3 - Advanced Masking

What You'll Learn


All tricks and strategies for cutting out anything directly from Photoshop guru Ben Willmore.






How to select challenging elements such as hair, fur, complex shapes, trees and much more!

Master selections by mastering the use of tools like Select and Mask, Pen Tool, Channel Pulls, Vector Masks, Color Range and more.

Experiment with different selection workflows by combining tools and techniques to attain exceptional results.

Learn how to select transparent and translucent objects while maintaining the original shadows of the image.

Supercharge your Photoshop skills and unlock the power of pro-level selection.

And many other techniques and strategies to take your skills to the next level! With the knowledge you will gain, selections will never be a problem again!


Use the knowledge and skills you gain to create stunning digital art and photographic compositions.

Take a Look at Our Reviews

"Photoshop has always confused me and honestly scared me. I know just enough to make it worth having but have always wanted to learn more. The classes I have taken so far we're incredibly detailed and easy to pin point the subject matter I was looking for. Would highly recommend and is worth every penny. Thank you!"

I have been using Photoshop since Photoshop CS2 and I thought I knew everything but this course surprised me! From the basics and upwards this course is amazing! I’m learning so many new things I’m so excited to apply them to my design work! I highly recommend this course.

"I am glad to have found a Photoshop course that teach you the fundamentals and going through step-by-step essentials, systematically. "

Want To See More Reviews? Check Out Our Trustpilot Page

Daniel Sun - Trustpilot

Jesse Andreasen - Trustpilot

Diana Natalie Busari - Trustpilot




Sandy C. - Trustpilot

"Great course by a fantastic teacher. Tried many cheaper options but nothing comes close to the way he explains"


John Short - Trustpilot

"Excellent training, this class is a godsend for anyone from beginner to pro"



Chev JustChev - Trustpilot

"It is, as to be expected, a brilliant course. I have been using Photoshop for decades now, and yet I learned something new in the first class. Not kidding. I sat here going "huh, I had no idea you could do that!" it was a no brainer purchase!"

Meet Your Instructor, Ben Willmore

Unmesh Dinda is a Photoshop educator.

He runs a popular YouTube channel teaching Photoshop called ‘PiXimperfect,’ with more than 3.2 million followers and 700 videos.

Many of his content has been featured on popular photo sites like Adobe, Wacom, Fstoppers, Shutterbug, SLR Lounge, and PetaPixel, among many others.

Unmesh has been an instructor for conferences like Adobe MAX, Shutterfest, and Photoshop World.

He has written articles about Photoshop published in Shutter Magazine and Photoshop User Magazine. He has also been an instructor at KelbyOne.

Unmesh Dinda presenting at Adobe MAX, an annual event held by Adobe Systems

PiXimperfect, the YouTube channel created by Unmesh Dinda has more than 3 million subscribers

Trainer Credentials

What You'll Learn


Tutti i trucchi e le strategie per scontornare qualsiasi cosa direttamente dal guru di Photoshop Ben Willmore






Come selezionare elementi difficili come capelli, peli, forme complesse, alberi e tanto altro!

Domina le selezioni padroneggiando l'utilizzo di strumenti come Select and Mask, Pen Tool, Channel Pulls, Vector Masks, Color Range e altri ancora.

Sperimenta diversi flussi di lavoro per le selezioni, combinando strumenti e tecniche per ottenere risultati eccezionali.

Scopri come selezionare oggetti trasparenti e traslucidi preservando le ombre originali dell'immagine

Supercharge your Photoshop skills and unlock the power of pro-level selection

And many other techniques and strategies to take your skills to the next level and create images that will leave everyone speechless!

What's inside?

You can watch the lessons on your computer, smartphone, or tablet

Let's take a closer look

Course Contents

Once you purchase Selection Secrets, you'll have instant access to the member area to view the course in video format whenever and wherever you desire.



Selections Essential



1.1 Introduction

1.2 Essential tools

1.3 Transform & quick mask

1.5 Magic wand & glow

1.7 quick selection tool

1.6 Combining multiple tools

1.4 Layer masks

1.8 object selection tool

Why Photoshop Easy is Different?

The Photoshop Easy course is based on 4 fundamental pillars.


The goal of the course is not only to teach you how to use Photoshop, but above all, to provide you with a real working methodology. This was you will be able to walk alone, and move independently within this amazing software


Theory without practice is completely useless. Learning how to “do” is more important than learning theory. That's why the whole course is, above all, practical. Every single lesson leads you to achieve a specific result.


We think that without this component, it is difficult to learn how to master Photoshop, or any other software for that matter. Which is why, while you are taking this course, you will also be having loads of fun creating your own incredible images!

The knowledge and expertise of working with Photoshop for 16 years and teaching millions of students online have enabled Unmesh to invest 16 months in creating the Ultimate Guide for You to Master Photoshop! You will avoid the most common mistakes, discover all the tricks of the trade, and receive advice resulting from his many years of experience.



Intermediate Selections Techniques


2.1 Select subject

2.2 Select sky

2.3 Select and mask

2.4 Color range

2.6 Select focus area

2.5 Pen tool & Vector mask


Master Lighting & Color with Adjustments


3.1 Intro to depth maps

3.2 Luminosity masks

3.3 Blending sliders

3.4 Transparent objects

3.7 Edge masks

3.6 Advanced hair blending

3.5 Refining masks

3.8 Complex selections




4.1 Tips and Tricks

In addition to this, Selection Secrets includes

English Subtitles Available

Do you face challenge understanding English? No worries! Each lesson in the course includes English subtitles. We will also be adding subtitles in other languages very soon.

Exclusive Materials included

Get your hands on the exact tools and resources used by Ben in lessons. Follow along and elevate your workflow to new heights.

Here's How Selection Secrets Works

To get real results, you need a proven and solid system for learning, applying, and transforming the information into excellent results and making it stay with you for life.

Processes tested and approved

We are not going to focus on any memorized steps, settings, or values. Instead, we will cover everything you need to know so that you become a master in Photoshop and achieve whatever result you have in mind, by creating your own steps and techniques.

To master a powerful software like Adobe Photoshop, you must have the freedom to learn at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want, which is why the access to the Selection Secrets course is for you, forever! This means that you will be able to watch the course and get all the future updates for life.

Lifetime Access

Super Assistance

Our super-efficient LiveChat assistance will be there for you. You will never be left alone because our Team will answering all your questions. We will never leave you alone.

Our step by step approach guides you from the very basics to advanced techniques, our comprehensive and hands-on approach to learning will guide you every step of the way.

Step by Step Lessons

Se Accedi adesso hai anche i nostri Super Bonus!

Bonus #1: Valore €300

Le nostre azioni di Fotoritocco Professionale

Questo pack include tutte le azioni pensate e progettate sulla base del nostro processo di fotoritocco. Queste azioni ti permetteranno di dimezzare i tuoi tempi di lavorazione ed evitare di perdere tempo su passaggi che possono essere automatizzati.

Bonus #2: Valore €165

Pack pieno di immagini in formato RAW

Con l’acquisto dell’accademia del fotoritocco sbloccherai un intero pacchetto pieno zeppo di immagini in Formato Raw, in questo modo potrai esercitarti e fare pratica anche su altre immagini.

Se acquisti adesso sblocchi il nostro video corso completo sul Fotoritocco commerciale. Questo corso ti fornirà le tecniche più avanzate per cambiare il modo in cui ritocchi la fotografia di prodotto. Ti illustreremo il processo di fotoritocco per creare immagini commerciali di fascia alta.

Bonus #3: Valore €1290

Video corso sul Fotoritocco Commerciale

How our Platform Works

Learn What You Want, Where You Want

When you enter Selection Secrets, you will have access to our amazing e-learning platform. For each lesson you can download the materials we use. You can access the program online from any computer, tablet, or phone, from anywhere in the world, at any time you want.

Your journey is so important to us that we are partnering with you. Therefore, this means that you will never feel alone and will always have a point of reference to rely on for any questions.

Super Assistance Included

Selection Secrets presents a dynamic learning experience with high-quality lessons. You can control playback speed to suit your learning pace, ensuring that boredom never hinders your progress.

Cinematic Quality

Once you complete the course, you will be issued a digital Certificate of Completion. Our certificates are shareable, unique, and independently verifiable.

Certificate of Completion

When you enter Selection Secrets, you will have access to our e-learning platform. For each lesson you can download the materials we use. You can access the program online from any computer, tablet, or phone, from anywhere in the world, at any time you want.

Che cosa dicono i nostri studenti

Selection Secrets revolutionizes your approach to selection in Photoshop - Here Is Our Guarantee

Silvio Milano


Care Manager

With the purchase of the Selection Secrets course, we are including the SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK guarantee.

With our 7-day money-back guarantee, it’s 100% risk-free to join Selection Secrets today. If you are not completely satisfied with the course for any reason, simply email us within 7 days, and we will refund your entire purchase price, no questions asked.

So, my friend, you have no risk. If you really want to take your work to the next level", there’s never been a better time! This is your chance!

Full Time Access

7 Days Risk Free

Limited Time Discount

Join once, own it for life and repeat as often as you want.

Try it risk-free for 7 days. Before requesting a refund, read our terms and conditions.

You can join today for a special discount over regular pricing.

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Start Your Journey

You Get:

The complete course: Selection Secrets - More than 25 lessons in 3 modules

Get your hands on the exact tools and resources used by Ben in lessons. Follow along and elevate your workflow to new heights.

Lifetime access to the entire course and all the bonuses

Live chat support for any questions

Stream anytime on computer, tablet or mobile, at your own pace, for life.

7 days - satisfied or refunded

English subtitles available

Single Payment

€ 397


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Selection Secrets | Lifetime Access

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*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

John Short - Trustpilot

Sandy C. - Trustpilot

"Excellent training, this class is a godsend for anyone from beginner to pro"

"Great course by a fantastic teacher. Tried many cheaper options but nothing comes close to the way he explains"


Want To See More Reviews? Check Out Our Trustpilot Page


Daniel Sun - Trustpilot

"I am glad to have found a Photoshop course that teach you the fundamentals and going through step-by-step essentials, systematically. "


Single Payment

Lifetime Access

€ 397


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For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

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*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

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